Thursday, April 10, 2014

Discover Why Most People Don't Believe This Is True...

Most people don't believe it could ever happen to them. They don't believe they will ever suffer the consequences of an earthquake, a fire, a flood or a tornado. They don't believe it until - well, until after the fact when it's too late to do anything except clean up the mess. Most of us think we are invincible - that we will never die, never lose our homes, our jobs or a loved one to some unforeseen event or tragedy. These things happen every single day. We watch them as they unfold on the news but for some reason we are resistant to the idea that "it could happen to us." I don't know why that is? After the storm, we are right there to help the victims. Every disaster seems to bring with it a treasure trove of heroes - ordinary people willing to do whatever it takes to help their friends and neighbors. Acts of courage and self sacrifice prevail - and yet, as a people, we refuse to look at any evidence that serves as a warning or wake-up call. Maybe it's human nature. Maybe it has to be some catastrophic event like the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center before we are willing to believe or take precautionary action. Whatever it is...I hope we don't wait until it's too big or TOO LATE!



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